Waterwheel Falls 2001

Last year Andra and I tried to hike to Waterwheel Falls, but it was too early in the season and the snow brought our progress to a halt.  That same week we vowed to make another attempt this year.  Starting our drive at 5:30am June 15th, Andra and I made good on that promise by venturing back into Yosemite's high country.

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The map below shows the area and major features.  I've marked the start of our trip on the lower right corner near Soda Springs.  After picking up a bear-proof food canister and our wilderness permit from the ranger station, we set out to reach Glen Aulin where we would make our base camp.  The trailhead starts at about 8600ft elevation and descends slowly toward Glen Aulin.  Our plan was to explore all the major waterfalls between Tuolumne Falls and Waterwheel Falls over the weekend.

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