Yosemite 2000
It has been a long time since I've updated my web page, but I hope these new photos are worth the wait. I traveled again to Yosemite to explore some new areas and revisit a few old ones. The camping crew this year consisted of my girlfriend Andra, her sister Tanya, and Tanya's husband Tom. Andra and I arrived in Yosemite May 20th and her sister and brother-in-law joined us the next day. The early spring run off made for spectacular waterfalls and scenery.
As usual these pictures are best viewed in 1024x768x24 or better. At a resolution of 800x600 these photo images won't fit on your screen.
I finally got the camera fixed and was pleasantly surprised by more than 300 beautiful pictures. Want prints or blowups? Let me know, I can give you an email estimate of the costs.
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