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On the second day (Sunday) the plan was to attempt to hike into Water Wheel Falls.  This hike is listed as a one to two day hike and I thought we could do it in one.  The distance is not bad and the elevation gain/loss isn't too bad either, but it was a bit early in the season.  The hike starts at 8700ft elevation and the snow in the high country along with streams that were still rivers made our pace much too slow.  Despite the fact that we didn't make our final destination before having to turn back, the scenery was spectacular.  The print of this dead tree is fabulous and the computer scan doesn't do it justice.  It reminds me of the crystalline entity from Star Trek.

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This scene shows the view towards HWY 120.

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Another view looking ahead along our trail.  This area should be a meadow, but instead it is a river.  Trying to find a place to cross was challenging.

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