Getting a rest from my heavy pack, I check our location and elevation on my GPS. We're now on our way to find a small stream we hope is still running. Taking a trip in September can sometimes make finding sources of water more difficult. We filled extra water containers before leaving the lake just in case the stream is dry. This will allow us to stay at this elevation at least one night before moving on to find another water source. Our plan was to setup camp near the stream and hike to Clouds Rest with only day packs the following day. |
Andra, always trying to find a way to look taller, poses for a picture along the way. |
Having found the aforementioned stream sooner than expected, we quickly made camp and decided to make our way to Clouds Rest before the sun sets. As we approach Clouds Rest the trail brings you very close to the edge. I'm sitting within three feet of a vary nasty drop. A week or so ago, when going over our planned route with Andra, I voiced my concern that the little stream would be dry this time of year. Andra pointed at the nearby Merced River and said, "Why don't we just go get water here if it's dry?" When we got to this spot I offered to wait while Andra descended 3000ft down this cliff for a drink. After explaining what those little crammed together topo lines on the map mean, she insists to this day that she didn't see them. :) |
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