Andra near the same spot. We are more than half way up the steep switchbacks. We initially lost some elevation from the trailhead so we need to gain over a 1000ft to reach our first campsite. Andra had two nights at elevation to acclimate. We were unable to reserve a backpacking permit and needed to aquire a "walk-up" permit. They set aside 60% of the permits for reservations and 40% for walkups. The problem is, they will allow you to pick up a "walk-up" permit the day before your trip. So Andra drove to Lee Vining on Thursday and stayed in a hotel (6700ft elevation). The next morning she drove up HWY 120 to reach the permitting station before they opened. She was first in line when they opened with about seven people behind her. She then managed to score a cabin in Curry Village for the night (4000ft), and that's where I picked her up. Unfortunately, I drove straight from sea level to 8200ft and by this point, at nearly 9000ft, my lungs were trying to explain to me just how much my pack weighed.
Finally reaching the first of the Sunrise Lakes (there are three), we made camp. Elevation 9250ft.
Andra wanted a picture at the lake before we lost daylight. With all the driving I had to do to reach Andra in the valley and then get to the trailhead, we got a late start and arrived here around 6pm.
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