Our makeshift campsite.

During the course of discussing our situation, every time I talk about where we came from or where the car was, Andra would point off in completely the wrong direction. Andra had pulled a muscle in her neck before we left and was trying not to turn her head when it wasn't necessary. That combined with spending so much time focusing on where her feet needed to go left her with no familiarity with our surroundings. Our water situation and Andra's disorientation weighed on my mind all evening. In order to rehydrate, overnight I finished off my water and drank more than half of Andra's.

Aside from the less than optimum conditions, the stars in the evening sky look spectacular. High winds whipped the landscape until about 2am and then suddenly vanish. The sound of the wind is quickly replaced by the roaring sound of the river below.

By morning, I tell Andra we should go back. I fear if anything happens to me she would have no hope of finding the car in this near desert environment. In addition, the river is running so high it looks totally impassible and nearly all our planned hiking was on the other side of the river. So we packed up and headed out for the puddles I marked with the GPS. We quickly ran across them less than 10 minutes from camp and filter more than 1.5 gallons to refill our stores.

Continuing along the trail Andra snaps a picture of me. Staying on the trail on the way back was a snap (of course).

This desert dweller was startled when I sat down near him for a needed break.

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