From a high vantage point I took four photos to create this panoramic. The view from here was great in all directions. We still had a lot of elevation to lose before reaching the meadow and old trailhead. | ||
Dave and Andra stopped for a photo along the trail. Not knowing exactly how far they had moved the trailhead, our first day's six mile hike was more like ten miles and we stopped a few miles short of where we had planned.. We eventually decided to camp at an intersection of Clear Creek called Trout Camp. | ||
The next day we went down to see Wilderness Falls. Wilderness Falls is described as a 50ft free fall that collides with a big boulder, etc, etc. Suffice to say they make it sound like the greatest thing since waterfalls were invented. Here I am positioning myself in the middle of Clear Creek to get a good photo. Do I look a bit confused? |
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