This is Lower Long Lake. We've come up about another 500 ft since leaving Fremont Lake, but the only snow remains on the high mountains.

This is Upper Long Lake. We've yet to see another human since leaving the day hiking section of Leavitt Meadow. That will change as we hit the PCT. Due to the drought, PCT hikers can start earlier than normal and have a longer series of months to complete the 2,650 mile route from Mexico to Canada. We were told that 2000 people applied for permits this year. That's unusually high. See this link if you are interest in more details about the PCT

We just intersected with the PCT and ran into a hiker attempting to do the whole thing. We stopped to talk to him for a few minutes. This bridge is part of the PCT system and he crossed it and continued north towards Sonora Pass. We are headed south and there are no bridges to assist us. Most PCT hikers asked us about snow conditions at Sonora Pass. It seemed like a particular point of concern. Unfortunately, we started a few miles from the pass at Leavitt Meadow and could not give them an update on trail conditions. Based on our experiences at 9500ft, I'm guessing the pass was not too bad, but then again, the PCT approaches 11,000 feet near the pass.

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