The next morning we packed up and took a final picture before heading out on yet another long day. The mileage will be long, but not so much up and down. This was a great campsite. There was a light breeze the entire time and very few mosquitoes. The water in Rancheria Creek was easy to get to and we cleaned up in the creek before heading out. |
Often obstacles block your path. This tree tipped over right on top of the trail. We've already navigated around it and Andra photographed it from the other side. Snow banks and rock slides can also create formidable obstacles. |
This photo is a bit over exposed on the rocks and creek. This makes seeing the water a bit more difficult. We are still on the PCT, but shortly up this canyon, the PCT will turn right (south) and we will go straight. As in the past, as soon as we leave the PCT, I don't expect to see any more hikers. We are way too far in for day hikers and the typical backpacker hasn't considered these high mountain routes this early in the year. |
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