We took advantage of Andra's camera and made a few movies during the trip. To start the movie, click the image place holder above. I tried to keep the resolution high so the movies are rather large. Be patient as they download and buffer up (1 to 5 minutes). Those viewing this from their PC may need to download the QuickTime plugin from Apple. Those using smart phones and tablets should be able to launch the movie as is. On a tablet you may get prompted to select an app to use, if so, select your video player. | ||
As we continued up the trail the water becomes narrower making crossing more dangerous. We are still some distance from the trail intersection where we will cross; however, I'm already thinking about strategies for safely crossing to the other side. |
When we reached the first trail intersection, it looked too dangerous to cross. The water in some areas would have been up to or above the bottom of our backpacks. The rapidly moving water would have knocked us down at such depths. We continued along the parallel trail as I knew there was a second intersection further up. This second point would take us more than half a mile out of our way, but I didn't want to try anything until I could weigh all my options. This picture was taken at the second crossing location. It is much safer here. We took off our hiking boots and changed into our water shoes. I've already forded the river and am taking this picture from the other side. Andra ties her boots to the top of her pack before coming across. |
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