The cool thing about backpacking is you never know what is going to happen. One minute I'm talking to Andra and the next this head just pops up over the rock behind her. I believe this is the same deer that jumped into the lake the night before and was swimming over toward our beach. Curiosity literally got the better of her. She walked over and peeked into our camp to see just what was going on here. I told Andra to turn around. I talked to the deer while I got the camera out for a picture. | ||
She continued to look into our camp until her curiosity was satisfied. Then two of her smaller and slightly more chicken companions popped their heads up to look, before they wandered off along the lake shore. Very cool. | ||
There's nothing like relaxing next to a warm fire in the evening. Except being spied on by deer while enjoying the fire - I suppose. This is our second night at Tilden Lake. We felt rested and ready for our next long move with full packs. We've eaten enough food by now that all the food is fitting into the bear canisters. This saves me the trouble of putting up a line in the trees every night. |
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