Here we are at the top of the
pass. The pass is the boundary between the Ansel Adams Wilderness and
Yosemite National Park. We've reached the green edge of the map you saw on
the contents page. |
Andra heads off first and gets a picture of us coming down from the top. The opposite side was a long gradual climb. This side is steep and you lose elevation quickly. When we got out of the rocks and wind, we stopped for a snack before pressing on. |
We've reached the trees and a mostly dry creek. Once again the reality of our situation is starting to speak to me. This is our day to get cleaned up and the heavy clouds on the horizon are telling me the rain is coming. I know, I know, it's only Friday and the weather people are never wrong, but my gut says, if we don't get cleaned up quickly, the weather will not make such activities pleasant. In addition, the assault on the pass took a lot out of us. We're miles from Washburn Lake and we're all getting tired. It's obvious we won't make Washburn without hiking in the dark. Seeing large water pools in the dry creek, I once again stop to suggest we make camp here in this meadow. Everyone agrees and we quickly make camp. Rushing to heat water as the weather looks more ominous by the moment; we manage to get three showers in with only mild winds building. We we're supposed to be spending the night at 7600ft and we've stopped short at 9200ft. The three of us gather a healthy amount of firewood. Showered and fed, we are relaxing around the fire when I notice my pants getting a bit wet. It's dark and a bit difficult to see, but it appears to be raining a little. We continue to visit around the fire, but the moisture persists and eventually Andra and I decide to relax in the tent. About a half hour later, Dave says, "I don't think that's rain. It's snowing..." |