The next day the call of pizza convinced us to start heading back toward the car. Alan and I gain on Andra as she stops to take our photo.

We've reached our former camp at Groundhog Meadow. After boiling some more high protein water for dinner I:

a) Wonder who got me into this mess?
b) Decide it is easier to detect mosquitoes biting my hand than my ear.
c) Think "Good grief Charlie Brown"
d) Am too tired to muster a smile after enjoying a warm shower.
e) Am completely bewildered as to how Andra found the washcloth she forgot at this site when we stayed here a week earlier.

Andra's right hand (not shown), jabs me with a sharp stick to make sure she gets a smile out of me. Personally I think she was more rejuvenated by the hot shower than I was. Then again, she's not the one lugging her hair dryer, inverter, and a car battery around in their pack...
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