I took two photos from the road here and stitched them together. I originally planned to print this on 13x44 inch paper, but never got around to it. In case you want to look for the seam (LOL) or just explore this picture in greater detail, you can click this link for a zoomable version.
This beautiful lava dome is Black Butte. It sits right of HWY 5 and is about 2000 feet tall.

On the way back from exploring the city, I saw this PG&E campground. Many years ago, our family decided to forgo the usual Fort Bragg trip and go to Burney Falls. When we arrived, the McAurthur Burney State Park was full, so we drove down the road and camped at a PG&E camp (I was probably 16 or 17 at the time). We only stayed one night because the mosquitoes were so bad they nearly ate us alive. In fact, we drove straight to Fort Bragg the next day!

When I saw this sign for a PG&E campground just before we reached our campground, I just had to drive in. I remembered it being a lot more primitive back then, but we arrived late in the evening after discovering the State Park was full, and left the next morning as soon as we were packed. That didn't leave a lot of time to soak up the surroundings. They also may have made some significant improvements in 25 years.

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