Dawg looks down the cliff at the maze of switchbacks as I pose for a picture. | ||
Andra did a spectacular job of capturing us from different distances. | ||
Turning down at the next switchback you can see just how fast the mountain goes down to the valley. If we could have gone straight, this segment would have been very short. If you continued behind where we are standing, you'd reach Lake Thomas A Edison. This was our second emergency exit point should something have gone wrong. In fact, the pack station is located there. It was nearly a days ride to Upper Bear Creek Meadow from the pack station. The cowboy that brought our food in stayed at Kip Camp after dropping off our box. In fact, instead of going back afterwards as he planned, another Cowboy met him there and he was redirected along this path yesterday. He passed us as we were hiking to yesterday's camp. We'll never forget when he saw us and proclaimed to his partner "There're my people!" We may be old, slow, and 4 time grandparents, but we tip well. |
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