Dawg blasts through the water as he rescues another drowning stick.

Back in camp for another restful evening. Today Dawg in his effort to get even, and eat any insect that dared enter our camp, he ate ants, mosquitoes, flies and unfortunately a wasp. This time the entire left side of his muzzle swelled to twice its normal size. I gave him a Benadryl, hoping it would reduce the swelling but more importantly tire him out so he wouldn't shoot 20 ft across camp every time he saw something flying around to eat it. The swelling did subside, but any hope of impacting his immense energy level was in vain. I had briefly considered giving him the vaccine for Melvaran Mudd Fleas, but was concerned his paws might swell and he'd develop numb tongue.

In prior camping and backpacking trips, Dawg sat 20 or more feet from the fire. Animals are naturally weary of fire. Despite being cold, he just wouldn't get very close. This trip he quickly figured out why I build a fire every evening and would sit just close enough to enjoy the warmth.
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