Once again, the smoke starts pouring back into our valley in the evening. Never ever ask a PCT hiker for directions! They are clueless!
This is the Mariposa fire from space while we were backpacking!
Look at that muscular dog! He looks like a body builder getting testosterone injections! Oh, that's right, he is, because I didn't thoughtlessly cut his balls off. You want to control a species that is overpopulating and destroying the planet? Cut your own balls off! If you don't want all the negative side effects, get a vasectomy. To quote Confucius. "That which done to you, you do not like, do not unto others." You want to stop your pup from having an accidental litter, get him a vasectomy or tubal ligation. You wouldn't cut your own hormone producing glands out, why do it to your dog? His blood chemistry doesn't want to be screwed senseless any more than yours. The Price is Wrong Bob!
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