Someone is complaining about being left in the car. Was it Andra? Hmmm.

Everybody has their backpack on and a smile! This is the heaviest load Dawg has ever carried. His total pack weight is about 8.75 lbs. He isn't particularly thrilled about it either, but it isn't like I enjoy carrying my pack. Despite his heavy pack, I'm also carrying more than 6 lbs of his dog food. Next trip I'll put him at about 8 lbs and 4 lbs for me. Judging his food consumption is not easy. It varies widely depending on his exercise level and amount of exhaustion. The more he exercises the more he eats up until he gets exhausted. At that point he'd rather sleep all day and eat nothing.

After leaving the trailhead we crossed the West Walker River using the footbridge at the campground. We have arrived at Roosevelt Lake which broke a long hot mostly waterless section of trail in sagebrush with little or no shade.

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