I gave it a little thought and settled on using a large weather balloon to hold my antenna in the air.  The preparations started back as early as November as I looked for sources for balloons and other parts.  After purchasing four balloons with a burst diameter of 12.4ft.  I turned my attention to using computer modeling for antenna design.  I planned on having three antennas.   The full size quarter wave vertical, a low dipole for local contacts, and a coaxial receive loop.  Below is the first look at my antennas.

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In the foreground you see the coaxial receive loop attached to a 20ft pushup mast strapped to my parents clothes line pole.  The loop is 20ft in diameter and the box at the base houses the resonating capacitor.  The white cylinder just below and to the left of the pole is the current balun feeding the low dipole.   In the background is my fathers 50ft mast.  From the top of that mast is a wire extending all the way up to the balloon.

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Here you can see the mast and balloon as compared to the surrounding trees and well tank.  The well tank is about 6 feet tall.

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Another look at the receive loop.  Yes, that is 200ft of Rohn 65 tower in the background.

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