Castle Geyser begins its eruption phase.  You might wonder how we just happened to see an eruption when they only occur every 10 to 12 hours.  That's the magic of Dr. Mike.  Andra and I walked the path throughout the Old Faithful area, just happening to arrive at each geyser just before it erupted, as if we had control over the earth itself.  Most of the day we heard others complaining of how they only saw one or two actually going off.  I'd like to think of myself as the Anti-Klaus ;)  This somehow makes up for him being able to out run me in all those races.  By the way, we did miss Grand Geyser erupting, which we really wanted to see, but I suppose that would have been just ridiculous odds considering all the others.

The stunning Blacksand Pool.

Along the Firehole River, we stopped at the Riverside Geyser.  During its 20 minute eruptions, a 75 foot column of water arches gracefully over the river.  Eruptions are about six hours apart.  Surely we couldn't have walked up just in time considering the long wait between eruptions, could we?

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