Here's a second shot without sunglasses.
Coming back up from the overlook, I had everyone stop on the ledge leading down. This ledge is as narrow as 8 inches in some spots.

This is the river behind the falls. The drop is only another 30 feet or so down river in this frame. We all hiked over to the bridge (seen far in the distance, upper left of photo), and I set out to go get Brian. Everyone was pretty pooped out, so I stuffed my pocket full of GORP and told them not to wait any later than 5pm. No sense everyone walking back in the dark if we were that late. Fortunately I wasn't more than 150ft down the trail when Brian was spotted coming the other way. He correctly figured the bridge was the best place to wait for us as it is a natural bottleneck.

After not finding us at Yosemite Point he briefly thought we might have gone on to North Dome (some 5 miles further), but fortunately he decided against continuing. With everyone back together we headed back to the overlook for more pictures.

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