A different angle of Silver Falls.

By this point I was so shocked by the stark difference between Oregon State Parks and California Parks, that I was forced to document Sunset Bay State Park. First, in California the parks are maintained (cough), in an arrested state of decay. In California it's not uncommon to be able to see out of the bathroom wall to the outside when using the toilet. At no time do you feel like the Park Service is trying to encourage you to use the facilities. Showers are an oddity and even at parks with showers, they are only in some areas. Contrast that to this picture:

Trimmed hedges. Lighted and paved walkways. Brick bathrooms with showers in each one. Hot water even in the sinks (California sinks never have hot water). Fee for the night in Oregon $15. Fee for a night in California $15. Hmmm.

In California, they might have a recycling center at the main campground check-in area, if at all. Here they are staged throughout the campground.

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