The factory provides a self-guided tour and sells cheese and ice cream. Tillamook farmer-owned cooperative was formed back in 1909. It grew out of the desire on the part of a handful of farmers to ensure that the cheese produced in the area was of the absolute highest quality. That commitment caught on and Tillamook County Creamery Association eventually expanded to include all of the small, independent cheese plants in the county. Today, TCCA is made up of approximately 130 dairy families. Over the years, they have earned a reputation for producing premium-quality, consistent and best-tasting dairy products. Today, they are nationally recognized for that commitment to quality, the results of which can be tasted in any of our dairy products. |
Yes, her face was stuck like that the whole time as she raced from one cheese thingy, cow thingy, sweatshirt or any other miscellaneous item in their gift shop. Did I mention Andra really likes cow thingies? | ||
Through a plexiglass window you can see the cheese packaging center. Cheese blocks are being cut and packaged here. Their cheese is quite good, but that one block on the floor needed a little dusting off before continuing to your local store. | ||
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