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We drove through a coastal residential area and spotted this group of deer.  Amanda tries to sneak up for a close-up while the deer eat this homeowner's lawn.

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After leaving the Russian Gulch area we decided to head inland in the hope of finding better weather.  The rain on the coast was sporadic and heavy all day Sunday. 

We drove about 17 miles East on HWY 20 and turned off on county road 200.  We were supposed to drive 4.7 miles down this dirt (currently mud) road to reach the trail to this 50ft waterfall.  Unfortunately we took the wrong fork and ended up driving 3.7 miles down the wrong branch of the road.  The kids enjoyed the drive as the forest canopy closed in on the road and the car slid through the mud.   We finally reached the trailhead after a little backtracking and found this cute waterfall after a short walk down the trail.

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The maps show the stream feeding this fall starting out-of-the-blue just a few hundred feet upstream.  I figure this stream is probably created by a natural spring.  There are many springs in the area.

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