Andra, Mom and Dad in front of the Balancing Rock.
Here they are on the little self guided trail as we crossed this little bridge to return to our car.
The next day we got up early and started the bike tour. That's Klaus right behind me. This is only about 10 miles into the tour and we are making the last part of the climb to Emerald Bay. I thought my lungs were on fire and my heart was about to explode out of my chest by the time we reached the top. The route ranges between 6250 feet elevation and just over 7000. I completed the tour in 4 hours 31 min 43 sec of riding time. This is the last picture you will ever see of my old bike frame. A week after this tour I noticed some squeaking noises. As it turned out, the frame had cracked, and has now been replaced with a white frame.