To get up to more than 11,000 feet, you must go up, and to get there in about 3 miles, sometimes you must go up very fast. Andra pushes up the steep hill carrying a very heavy pack. Normally we backpack for eight days, but this year we extended it to nine. We had a long route and all of us wanted some down days where we didn't have to move. This combined with clothing necessary for winter conditions pushed Andra's pack up to a record weight of 40lbs. Carrying a 40lbs pack at sea level on flat ground is tiring, but doing it up here is a serious challenge. That little blue spec at the top of the bush back there is Dave's pack.

Making good progress we are now just above Blue Lake. The car lies down that canyon and to the left.

We march on and ever higher. You can see the trail behind us in the upper right corner of this picture.

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