This used to be the road that continued down to the meadow and old trailhead. Near the top of the mountain, most of the climbing is behind us.
Back at the new trailhead, we find I had left my lights on for five days! No, just kidding. My car has remote start and I kicked it on to get the AC running before we arrived. After most backpacking trips, the idea of comfortable seats, environmental controls, cold drinks, and restaurant food always dance in our heads.

I realize now we forgot to take a picture of the campground we stayed in. We stayed at the Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park. The campground was quite nice. Del Norte Coast Redwood State Park was one of the first land acquisitions of the California State Park System. The original purchase was 57 acres in 1924. The park includes nine miles of rugged inaccessible coastline, and is one of the places where redwoods grow to near sea level. The average rain fall in this area is 90-100 inches per year.

After a great night's sleep on an extravagant air mattress, we headed down to the Fern Canyon Loop Trail. There are many miles of day hiking trails in this area. So many, that we had a hard time deciding what to go see with only one day left. This photo shows the ferns growing up the canyon walls. Home Creek flows through the middle of the canyon and the trail often becomes flooded during heavy rains.

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