Here is another one of those piles of formerly molten rock forming a giant mound of rock blocks. |
I'm really glad Dave took a picture of this massive plateau. Andra and I both thought it was cool but were too tired and lazy to take a picture. The flat top of that mountain is much bigger than it looks from this angle. Once again, Andra and I got separated from Dave. When we finally reached our next camp spot, I could tell Andra wanted to stop walking two creek crossings ago. I began gathering wood while keeping an eye out for Dave. After about 45 minutes, I told Andra if Dave didn't arrive in another 20 minutes, I'd head back down the trail. It wasn't more than a few minutes later while attending to my camp duties that I heard the snap of a tree branch. As it turned out, Dave had decided he'd walked enough for the day and without seeing us had started building a fire on the opposite side of the creek. He intended to make camp and catch up with us the next day. The sound of a snapping branch is generally not natural. I instantly started scanning the forest. I spotted Dave setting up a camp 250ft from us. I yelled to get his attention. I told Dave it would have been funny if we hadn't noticed each other until dark only to stare out thinking - "Hey look, there is some other hiker sitting over at that campfire..." |
Reunited - your adventurers chill out in camp. Fire going, water boiling, smiles at full strength. | ||