Andra and I press on along the trail eventually making the top of the crest. As we reach the second campsite location, a flat area with fire ring is waiting for us. My designated campsites, selected by examining topo maps, were all awesome. When we arrive I drop my pack and leave Andra to setup. I planned to hike back, find Dave, and then volunteer to carry his pack to camp. I found Dave resting near a waterfall about a mile back, but he felt he had recovered enough to continue on carrying his own load. While I was out looking for Dave, Andra was discovering she doesn't know how to build a fire. After burning through a few matches, she gave up not wanting to waste our supply. It appears my pulling my weight by always cutting, and gathering wood, followed by starting the fire was not beneficial to her skills. An oversight that needed correction.
Here is the whole team getting some needed R&R near the campfire I started.
Here is a look at our tents and the beautiful flat spot right at the dot I placed on the map I sent to Chip.
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