Here a run off stream is washing right over the trail. It was actually quite pretty. I went first and Andra filmed the crossing. The water was nearly a foot deep at the top, but you are unable to see this from her vantage point. That's why you see me pause and then step from rock to rock. |
This movie is a similar type crossing. The issue is not getting wet. In fact, our boots are water proof and pants/socks made of quick dry material. The issue is falling. These rocks are super slippery. If you step on a loose rock or slip, you can seriously hurt yourself, break an arm or worse. It is important to take your time and remain safe as there is no 911 out here. |
We've gone down and back up and down and back up. In case you're wondering we now have to hike to the bottom of this canyon. Rancheria Creek lies at the bottom and we will have to cross it to reach our next campsite. |
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