The video above covers our current situation. I state that Dorothy Lake is probably one mile from our location, but as it turned out, it was just over two miles. Enjoy the movie.

This is a wide panoramic shot of Lake Harriet and the surrounding mountains as we made our way around. Depending on your screen size, you may have to shrink the photos
to see it all or scroll left and right.

To reach this point I wanted to see if we could cross the output channel right at the headwaters where the water was leaving the lake. I didn't want to make Andra cross that
narrow channel again if I didn't have to and hiking the trail back to the fork would have been a 0.75 mile waste of time anyway. I found a reasonable way to cross the lake's overflow
points and we saved ourselves a bunch of hiking. Unfortunately for you, we didn't film or document it, so you'll just have to imagine our clever ingenuity navigating the lake's

We're now gaining elevation as we leave the lake. This is looking north back the way we came.

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