The herculean effort to come down off the mountain had again emptied my water bladder. I was drinking some from Andra's as we moved toward the river. After replenishing our water supply, we started to discuss our options. The human infestation at Kennedy Lake (out intended camp spot) was egregious, but what can we do? We've just hiked more than 8 miles over rough exhausting terrain and we are still over 7 miles from the car. An over 15 mile day carrying a load on steep terrain at high elevation is certainly more than two old folks can handle.
At our water stop, we discuss the option of continuing through to the car today. I warn Andra to be realistic and tell her straight out, it will be an exhausting effort. After much discussion we decide to exit the infested area and make a break for the car. Here I begin making the critical calculations necessary to determine the absolute most important thing on our minds - "can we reach the car fast enough to drive to Walker Burger before they close at 7pm?" After utilizing two slide rules and a sundial, I determine at our typical pace, we should reach the car early enough to drive to Walker before 7pm.

We've been hiking at a brisk pace and have reached the first of three bridges. A couple of fisherman enlighten us about the fire south of the
Bay Area. That takes a load off our minds.

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