A quick video before we left our high viewpoint. |
This truly was a rarely used trail. We lost the trail several times on the way down. The key is to stay safe and move in your intended direction of travel. Never get impatient or try dangerous routes because you don't feel like backtracking. There is no nanny State out here. No 911 to call. Big mistakes are final. If you live with the mentality that you should be bailed out, handheld, and protected from every bad thing that could possibly happen to you by big government - long distance backpacking trips are not for you. As an alternative, might I suggest knitting doilies for your furniture instead. |
We've reached the west fork of the West Walker River and not a moment too soon. You guessed it, I'm out of water. We haven't taken a July backpacking trip in many moons and I can assure you, it will be years or perhaps never before we do it again. The air temps are just too hot to be comfortable moving a big pack at high elevations. |
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