The process I'm going to show you is exhausting. Especially at 8,350ft elevation. I've been biking 30 to 80 miles three days a week, hiking steep mountains at elevation three days a week and weightlifting three days a week for several months prior to this trip, and I can tell you it took herculean effort to do this on our high mountain perch. It is critical you do all of the prep work before starting. Failing to have enough dry small wood through larger pieces would be epically stupid. Failure to take advantage of your lit grass might mean you don't have the energy to try again. If there is little water available, every attempt will compound your dehydration. I didn't gather wood for this video because I had no intention of actually building a fire afterwards. I highly recommend everyone who backpacks try this at least once so that you fully understand why it is preparation, preparation, preparation. How many attempts were there really? About 10 and I was rung out afterwards like a dish rag - each attempt was progressively less successful as I became too tired to create a proper ember. Practice will reduce mistakes. Mistakes are extremely costly physically and if your life depends on getting a fire going, God help you.
Andra loves photographing our home away from home. If it were up to her, there would be a tent picture from every camp spot. Vote now! Tent pictures or no? LOL
Wishing a special someone a happy birthday from the top of the world.
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