Rob needs to follow the river to the point it bows right in the distance and then make a sharp right into the connecting valley to the Kipchuck. The clouds have closed in even more since he took me through. We are just to the right over that mountain, but with the thick clouds on top, his only chance is to stay low in the valleys. |
After making the right turn, he popped through onto the Kipchuk. Just to the right of the GPS sitting on his instrument panel, you can see the gravel bar out the mist covered window. He now tells Andra the same thing he told me. He needs to unload fast and get back through the small cloud gap before it closes completely. |
The weather on our side of the mountain is still nicer. We unload everything quickly so that Rob can turn the plane around and head back through the foggy valley to the Aniak River. Andra shot this picture of him taking off. That's Dave in the distance wearing the poncho. |
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