As we begin down river I estimate a 9 to 10 river mile day. It is always hard to judge river miles when just looking at straight line distances on our GPS. Sometimes, like today, the river bends and twists much more than you expect. These bows and turns add up quickly.
Here we are later in the same day with an update on how many river miles we've traveled, and we are just now starting to look for a camp.

Now this was the day Andra should have filmed the fire making. It was raining like crazy. Everything was soaked. Look at how wet that log is even in the interior. Dave and I cut down some dead standing trees to get drier wood to start the fire. We then whittled the outer wet layers off and then made chips and peelings to start the fire. You can see some in the picture here. It took us more than 40 minutes before the fire was hot enough to burn without us constantly fiddling with it. Any wood we added would steam for several minutes before becoming dry enough to burn. Add rain and wind to the process and you can imagine how much work today's fire really was.

If you have trouble lighting a fire in your fireplace, this is not the trip for you.

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