Andra wanted a selfie in the big meadow before we continued across.

Dawg looks ahead and is probably thinking the same thing, I am. Which way now? The meadow has a few intersecting trails at the far side including the aforementioned PCT and we must not peel off the wrong way. When we reach the trees some zigzagging was required to be sure we took the correct path. Once we were sure, we pressed on to the Lakes.
The first and largest of the two Highland Lakes. There were two people parked at the shore and a couple at the second smaller lake. Not too bad for human infestation. This made me consider (briefly) camping here; however, when we reached the no services, no camp host campground, there were signs everywhere saying "no camping accept in the campground" with a $15 per night tax me more selfpayment box. Ya, for zero services, I'm going to donate $15 to the socialists? Fat chance morons.
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