I start thinking as we stand there at about 9000ft, that maybe, just maybe, since you can see for miles, there might be cell service here. I take out my phone, turn off airplane mode, and low and behold I get one bar of 4G service. I hatch a plan to take a picture of us and a picture of where we are on the map and send it to Andra's Mom and the Kids. With the email bleeding over the ridiculously slow and terrible connection, I wait near the top for it to finish.

In the mean time, Andra and Dawg go down to that big rock to wait.
Dawg, decides to come up to me as he doesn't understand why I'm not moving. Exhausted, he lays down for a nap as the temps continue to drop. The email fails to send twice and I'm on my third attempt trying to maintain a connection until it finishes.
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