We've reached the car, and I'm going to clear the snow from the door so Andra can get in. | ||
I parked under two large trees to keep my car cool - LOL. It looks like it worked! Once I get the car window cleaned, we have miles of steep dirt and mud road to navigate. It is now 4:10pm. We've been hiking continuously for almost seven hours. | ||
As I wind down the road, you can see from my rearview mirror that the temperature has warmed up to a balmy 27 degrees. There is no risk of getting stuck in the snow, only the mud or sliding off the road. Speed/momentum is the enemy here. I use the lowest 4WD gears to keep my speed to a crawl on the steepest sections. Once we returned to cell service, the two mountain passes to reach Andra's car were indeed closed yesterday. We weren't able to retrieve her car until Wednesday (5 days from today). Well, I hope you enjoyed our trip as much as we did. It is always good to unplug and spend some time in nature. With this being a severe drought year, I don't think our usual fall backpacking will be possible once the foolishly managed forests are all ablaze. If, by some miracle, a fall trip is doable, I'd love to squeeze one in. Who wants to go? All the best, |
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