Flipped and ready to cook the other side. |
Presto! One "pamcake" ready for some butter. | ||
We plan to stay for several days here along the river, so I suggest that today we day hike downriver to investigate how we will cross the river to get out to Andra's car. My car is parked on the east side of the Sierras and Andra's is on a mountain pass on the other side of the river and over those mountains in the distance. When we leave, we will walk downriver, cross, and then climb over the mountains and down to her car. Since we've never been that far down the river, it is possible there is no safe place to cross it, if for instance, the river narrows into a channel where perhaps the valley narrows. By checking it out today, we can plan an alternative exit strategy if we find it uncrossable. | ||
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