Here you can see the fire made it down the hill a bit into the trees.

Andra stops to take a picture, and Dawg turns around to make sure she is coming. We are about to arrive at our next camp. We camped in the same area last year, and here again, Dawg displays, without doubt, he knows exactly where he is. When we reached the area of last year's camp, he immediately peeled off the trail and ran down to the correct spot before we did. We chose to camp on the opposite side of the creek this time due to soil moisture issues in last year's spot, but Mr. Smarty Pants was correct in assuming that we would camp at the same place we did last year.

After taking hot showers, Andra decided to photograph our food sack and Dawg's backpack I hung in the tree. Although bears are in the area (we saw one just 30 minutes before getting here), the biggest threat is from rodents (squirrels, etc). So the height above the ground prevents bears, but most important is the drop from the branch. If you pull it too close to the branch, the rodents will get it.

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