Andra shoots a short video of me coming up the last 50 ft or so.

This is looking over the other side of the pass. We need to descend into that valley.

We ran into a family of four hiking the trail today. They were headed for Tower Lake and had camped just past where we did last night. We later ran into them after making the top of the pass and they had realized that they had bit off more than they could chew. They gave up their plans of going further down or to Tower Lake. They planned to camp and turn back the next day. We didn't see another human until Thursday. We also ran into a few people on Friday and Saturday as we hiked out. Other than that, we were completely alone the rest of the trip. We even ran into a waster of your tax dollars (ranger), on Friday.

On day 3 (Monday), we planned a lazy day around camp. Showers, chess puzzles, playing with Dawg, etc. We decided to cross the West Walker River and find the trail to Tower Lake. This massive tree snag was on the other-side of the river. The picture doesn't do it justice.

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