On our movement days, we packed oatmeal to speed our departure. I relax as I finish my morning hot chocolate.

No rest for the weary. We begin the descent from our elevated camp. Unfortunately, the trail goes up and then back down to river level before we start the longer and steeper climb over the pass. We had camped at the top of a shoulder and now we start down.

Since Dawg prefers the freeze-dried dog food to his normal food, I no longer pack kibble. This makes his pack very light compared to last fall's trip. His pack weight when we left was 4.44 lbs, but the freeze-dried food has a lot of air in it and creates a volume problem for his pack. I wish they made the saddle bags just a bit bigger. When we left I could barely zip them closed and they looked like two over inflated balloons. I think I may buy the next size larger backpack as this pack is a bit hard to adjust now that he is an adult.
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