This bear print along the trail reminds us that even though there aren't humans for miles, we are not alone. Proof positive, that if you get out of the cities, the Earth really does contain intelligent life.

You can see the river on the right. We need to cross that river to reach the waterfall.

Somewhere along here Dawg broke one of his toenails. It was snapped to the side at a 90 degree angle and was quite uncomfortable to step on. I've never had a dog with his amount of power. He accelerates at speeds I've never experienced. This is a great example of why the habitually clueless should not take their dog backpacking. You must be prepared to render first aid or as William W. Forgey would say "Beyond First Aid" to your fellow backpackers and the dog. Fortunately the bend/break was right near but just below the quick. I used the wire-cutting part of my Leatherman to cut the remainder of the nail off. I cleaned up the nail, applied some numbing agent/disinfectent, but of course this will not last. He seemed relieved enough to walk normally and we decided we'd take a lazy day tomorrow so he could have a break.

When we reached the river, the crossing was impossible at the trail. I'd estimate that the water would be above my belt line in the deepest part. We decide to give up on crossing with packs, and instead made camp here. The next day we will take a lazy day and look for a potentially safe crossing point. This also gives Dawg's toenail a rest and a chance for me to watch his use of it.

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