We've successfully found our way back to the crossing point. It is now after 3pm and the river has come up some. Out of an abundance of caution, I decide to carry Dawg across as he will have to swim very fast to make the sandbar before being carried around the corner. He could probably do it, but I felt confident I could take him across. You'll see just how fast the water is moving.
This is where TRUST is key. Andra and I have commented on Dawg's amazing trust many times, but trust goes both ways. It didn't even dawn on me until watching the video, how much trust I have in him. Trust is earned, not given away. If Dawg didn't trust me with his life, he might have panicked as I carried him into a very dangerous situation. If I did not trust Dawg, I would never have attempted to carry him. If he started squirming, I guarantee you, I'd have lost my balance on the slippery rocks with the incredible amount of torque pushing me downriver.
To carry him across, I can't use my poles. I am in $6 crap water shoes that provide zero grip - purchased solely based on weight. I have to stay balanced and fight the current without using my arms at all. I want you to observe two very important things when you watch this video. Most people are terrible dog trainers (understatement). Notice that I do not manhandle Dawg to get him in position. I "ask him" to move into the position. Trust is not built by force. The second thing I want you to watch is Dawg's demeanor as I walk across the river. Does he look nervous, panicked, or relaxed? |