The weather forecast showed a 20% chance of snow this evening, but as is typical of high mountain forecasts, it was wrong. It started snowing just as we finished packing. I retain my sweater and beanie as we set off among the snow flurries on this fine cold morning. Having had more time to fiddle around with the phone while we were camped, I figure out why it wouldn't boot. The On button is wearing out. To start the phone, you push and hold the button down. A firm press makes things worse and my presses got more and more firm the more attempts I made. However, a super light press repeated over and over eventually succeeded in starting the phone. Most modern idiots can't spell GPS, don't understand the first thing about how the system works, and that is just a sad commentary on our worthless government propaganda system that people call K thru 12. GPS satellites are not geostationary. Today most of the satellites are near the horizon rather than overhead and we are hiking in a narrow canyon with mountains towering thousands of feet over our heads. No GPS fix is possible under such conditions and this has happened to us many times over the decades. Again, the phone is turned back off and ... what did I warn people about again? That's right - don't rely on electronics. |
After leaving camp, we have to make 7 or 8 stream crossings. One of the cool things about Dawg is he wants to do what you do. This strong desire makes training him easier. If he walks under a fallen tree that is elevated 2 feet above the ground, and I walk around the tree, he will come back under the tree and go the way I go even though he already took the direct route. In fact, if I step over the tree, he will often go back under, and then leap over the tree to do it like papa. When slotted in behind me, as the picture shows, he follows my path across the creek almost exactly. What is even more interesting, is often if he is ahead of me and runs straight through the water to the other side, he will cross back when I get there so he can mimic my path and boulder hop across the obstacle. I love that little guy! |
Andra continues her sign photography. Florence Lake is a very long way off, but the sign is right, it is that direction. |
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